Pain Relief Yoga
Are you suffering from pain?
The mind-body approach that yoga offers is appropriate for all chronic pain sufferers. Yoga is such an amazing, positive, pain-coping strategy because of the increase in bodily awareness, which reduces pain through the mind-body connection. There is now ample evidence for the use of mind-body interventions in victims with fibromyalgia , rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, chronic headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Is the pain you’re experiencing occurring alongside burnout, spiritual uncertainties, stress, fear or depression?
- Is your back pain amplified because you’re worried about circumstances in your life?
- Do you feel overwhelmed at work?
- Are you angry at someone?
It is now a proven fact that our mental state changes in the way we perceive our pain – even if there is no damage to our tissues.
Let us help…
Whether you are 16, 46, 86 or 106, and whether you are suffering from back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis or any other pain, we can help you benefit from customized classes. You will learn to give yourself permission to improve and to adapt exercises to fit your needs. Your first private session will involve a yoga assessment of your strength, flexibility, alignment and breathing patterns. From this assessment, we will create your own personalized program to deal with your specific issues. After only a few practice sessions, you will start to feel the improvement in your body and your mind. As your body becomes limber, you will begin to feel that you are in control of the negative effects of your pain.
For 20 years we have been helping others ease their suffering through pain relief yoga. It is our highest desire to share what we have learned with you. Please give yourself the opportunity to improve and reduce your pain and/or prevent it from ever occurring again.
We can help break the shackles..
He practices every day in order to maintain a normal pain-free life for himself. Eric specializes in helping others deal with pain and discomfort from a long list of issues, including fibromyalgia, back pain, neck pain, arthritis, headache, anxiety and stress. He offers a wide range of services including private personal assessments and customized private and group classes.
It is his highest desire to share what he has learned with you. Please give yourself an opportunity to arrange a 30 minute free telephone consultation by filling out the attached form.
Eric is also the author of “Out of the Cage” the story of his life as a child suffering with scoliosis and how he overcame it through “Healing Yoga.” Be sure to look at all our customized pain relief sections starting with Fibromyalgia.
What I’ve Overcome
I suffered from the time I was 17 years until my late twenties with back and neck pain. My medical diagnosis is scoliosis (curvature of the spine). I wore a back brace throughout my adolescence. When my back brace was removed, my spine was so weak that I suffered constant chronic pain and spasms throughout my back, neck and shoulders. 30 years ago, very few people had heard of yoga, so when my doctor suggested that I try it, after he read about its healing benefits for back pain in the New England Journal of Medicine I thought he was talking about yogurt. I responded that I will do anything he suggest but I just can not eat yogurt. LOL.
It has now been over 30 years that I have been able to overcome my pain through a customized daily yoga practice. As well I have been teaching full time for over 20 years.In addition, I am also the author of a book entitled “Out of the Cage“, the story of how I was able to overcome my pain through a regular daily yoga practice.
It is my hope that through my story and my guidance that I will inspire you to do the same. Please give yourself an opportunity to schedule a thirty-minute free consultation, to see if we are a good fit together. During the consultation, I will learn more about your pain and more specifically how I can help you.My services include an on-line twelve-week yoga for pain course, along with private and group classes.
I look forward to sharing what I have learned with you.
“Out of The Cage”
Eric is also the author of Out of the Cage, the story of his life as a child suffering with scoliosis and how he overcame it through healing yoga. You can obtain a copy when you arrange a free consultation with him about his “12 Week Yoga For Pain Course.” It can also be downloaded in PDF and Epub on the right of the page.